


Pilzgasse 31
1210 Vienna

Tel.: +43 (1) 278 51 00 – 110
Fax: +43 (1) 278 51 00 – 900
Internet: www.prochaska.eu
Email: sales@prochaska.eu

Company headquarters: Vienna
Commercial register number: FN 307146k
Commercial register court: Commercial Court Vienna
DVR no.: 0602264
UID no.: ATU 64085233
GLN: 9120043920002
ISA no. 133928
EORI no. ATEOS1000010217

Managing Director: Dr. Andreas Heger

Object of the company: Trade and sale of garden tools, snow clearing equipment, municipal, lawn and golf machines and sprinkler systems.

This website serves to transmit information about products and services of the company Prochaska Handels GmbH.


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Art Direction/Concept: Dagmar Grimus-Leitgeb | https://www.elephantsjump.com

Photograph/Video: Markus Schlögl | https://maschl.media/

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